Place born
Organisation / Person

Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

Redrup, Charles Benjamin

1878 - 1961

Ereky, Karoly

1878 - 1952

Eastman, Frank

1878 - 1964

Aitken, William Maxwell (first Baron Beaverbrook)

1879 - 1964

Durr, Ludwig

1878 - 1956

1878-1944, Electrical engineer and inventor

Wilson, William Hamilton

1878 - 1944

1879-1950, scientific instrument makers; optician; manufacturer of photographic apparatus, Manchester, England

Aubrey Franks Limited

1879 - 1950

1878-1965, nurse to the Brookes of Sarawak, British

Fitchett, Ruth

1878 - 1965

American; birth control advocate; nurse

Sanger, Margaret

1878 - 1966

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1879-1959, aviator; aircraft manufacturer; British; English

Grahame-White, Claude

1879 - 1959

1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

1879-1962, artist and photographer, French

Albin-Guillot, Laure

1879 - 1962

1879-1960, poster artist; painter; artist


1879 - 1960

1879-1955, physicist, German; American

Einstein, Albert

1879 - 1955

1879-1953, architect (Adams, Holden and Pearson partnership), British

Pearson, Lionel Godfrey

1879 - 1953

1879-1908, photographer, British

Maull and Fox

1879 - 1908

1879-1916, physiologist; inventor, British

Lucas, Keith

1879 - 1916

1878-1906, manufacturer of gas engines, Stockport, England

J E H Andrew and Company

1878 - 1906

1879-1920, locomotive builders, Kilmarnock

Grant Ritchie & Co

1879 - 1920

1878-1974, bookseller; stationer; printer; picture frame maker, British

Mawson, Swan & Morgan

1878 - 1974

New Zealand artist

Rountree, Harry

1878 - 1950

1878-1931, painter; poster artist; Irish

Orpen, Sir William

1878 - 1931

1879-1962, artist; poster artist; British

Scott, Septimus Edwin

1879 - 1962

1878-1957, painter; illustrator, British

Wood, Lawson

1878 - 1957

1879-1959, physicist, English; British

Richardson, Sir Owen Willans

1879 - 1959

1879-1969, physiologist and pharmacologist, English

Schuster, Edgar Hermann Joseph

1879 - 1969

1879-1943, telegraph engineer, British

Cox, Kenwrick Cecil

1879 - 1943


Landrock, Ernst Heinrich

1878 - 1866

1878-1966, poster artist; painter, British

Edwards, Lionel Dalhousie Robertson

1878 - 1966

1878-1950, poster artist; illustrator, New Zealander

Rowntree, Harry

1878 - 1950

1879-1952, designer; ceramicist; painter; poster artist, British

Forsyth, Gordon Mitchell

1879 - 1952


Lehnert, Rudolf Franz

1878 - 1948

1878-1960, artist; painter; watercolourist; illustrator; poster artist, British

Taylor, Charles William

1878 - 1960

1879-1884, railway company, United Kingdom

Alloa Railway

1879 - 1884

1878-1952, poster artist, painter, British

Ginner, Charles

1878 - 1952

1878-1963, sculptor; medallist, French

Baudichon, Rene

1878 - 1963

1879-1956, aviation engineer, Italian

Anzani, Alessandro

1879 - 1956

active 1878-1917, boilermaker; shipbuilder, Canning Town, United Kingdom

A W Robertson and Company Limited

1878 - 1917

active 1871- active 1968, silversmith, electroplater, British

Lee & Wigfull

1879 - 1968

1878-1929, manufacturer of electrical equipment, Chelmsford, England

Crompton and Company Limited

1878 - 1929

1878-1945, physicist; vacuum technology pioneer, German

Gaede, Max Paul Wolfgang

1878 - 1945

1878-1957, pathologist; physiologist, Hungarian

Plesch, Janos

1878 - 1957

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1878-1929, electrical engineer; cryptologist, German

Scherbius, Arthur

1878 - 1929

1878-1969, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, Manchester & London, England

J Halden and Company Limited

1878 - 1969

1878-1931, photographer, active Sweden from 1904, German; Swedish

Goodwin, Henry Buergel

1878 - 1931

1879-1971, railway photographer, British

Tidey, H Gordon

1879 - 1971

Roe, Humphrey Verdon

1878 - 1949